What a wonderful day we had yesterday. We had the car packed up with our art in the trunk, the dogs were crated, fed, and happy, so off we went to Cambria as our plan to sell our art.
As with most plans, I took a turn to Cayucos just to take a look around. We had a great time. We went to the art gallery and showed some of our stuff to them and they were interested, but unfortunately they wanted money to show our stuff. Don't mind that, just didn't have it. It's more of a selling trip than display.
So we had lunch at a local fish/chips place at the pier, and it was delicious! We bought the combo of shrimp/fish and chips, and it was just enough for the both of us on a budget. I loved our day. I love to people watch, and there were some street musicians playing, skateboarders in their park. Reminded me of Cory and how much he loved to skateboard. Called himself a thrasher in the day.
Speaking of Cory. I'm OFFICIALLY out of mourning. When Cory died, it was a life changing experience for me and many I'm sure. I've mourned him basically alone and in my own thoughts. I went through this mourning process entirely alone. No one came. No one did anything. I was alone. After this experience, I know for a FACT I can go through ANYTHING all alone and don't actually need anyone. I've already gone through the worse life can give. I have become stronger because of it.
I cut all my hair off (as is the tradition of the Native people) and kept it short until now. I'm going to allow it to grow again. Cory didn't like me with grey hair and liked me to keep it dark, but it's too much of a mess for me to deal with, so it will be long grey locks for me. I'm no longer going to cut my hair and it will grow until I die.
As my hair grows I will be reminded of my blessings, my heritage, and the love I feel for those who have loved me in my lifetime. Those that are no longer with me, to those that are still hanging in there and being an influence in my life. I will have to bead more combs and such as I've sold all I owned.
I have learned to forgive those that have taken my son from me, and those that deliberately hurt me afterward. It reflects their spirit not mine. May they all find truth and responsibility.
When you come to the realization that those responsible are never going to take responsibility for their actions, and after 4 years never going to apologize either. Not that I was EVER waiting around for any communication, but just thought maybe they'd get an 'Ah-Ha' moment. Should have known better. And now do.
With moving forward in life.
Laurie is my future. Travel and great friends await us. Laurie is a fabulous and my shining rock. I'm so experiencing a totally different life with her as my partner than I have with ANYONE else. Total acceptance, non-judgmental, and she doesn't have a temper. At least I've not seen it. Life is serene and wonderful.
I don't miss any of the others that were in my life in the past. I now realize how toxic they also were to even themselves. I did for a time, not knowing any different. But when you've come around people more like minded, then it has to have a better outcome.
With all this said, it's certainly been a journey of healing for Laurie as well as myself. We were both damaged/hurt people when we got together. We've worked out our 'stuff' and now we live a wonderfully peaceful life. We are not competitors, we are true partners in every sense or the word. It' so refreshing. Working together is what works good with us.
All this is a learning experience for me. And for Laurie by the most part. We both have had very dysfunctional relationships, so finally getting it right now is important. We talk everything through and come to an understanding.
Now that we are able to come to this understanding and work together, the sky is our limit.
I'm taking great delight in teaching her beadwork. She is interested and wants to learn so I'll teach her. I told her with all the crafting skills she learns from me, and all the art she already knows how to do, she will always have a means to make money.
Yesterday we went to Cayucos to sell our wares and had an absolute blast. We met a fabulous lady at a shop named 'The Outlook'. We called her a kindred spirit and talked up a storm. She ended up buying some of my beading necklaces, two of my hanging blood orange goodies, and she also bought a mask from Laurie. We had our picture taken with her, and she was a blast. We'll probably go next week or so and take her a few more things to put on her walls and such on consignment. But selling things for cash is good also.
If you are ever in Cayucos go in The Outlook and say hi to Virginia. She is a delightful gal and full of positive energy. She has fabulous things in there that are for larger ladies too. That makes a big difference to me. I rarely find cute clothes that are my size. And she has tie-dye stuff and that is always good for an old hippy like me
Her prices are great and not of a specialty shop you usually see at a beach town. She has a cute shop, well organized and displayed. Can't wait to see her again, and spend a little more time with her.
We were thrilled to sell some of our things. It helped with money for the end of the month as well.
We have to get Jade some worm medicine today as Laurie noticed she had them the other day. She's been scooting the butt, a sure sign.
While on our way home we went Hwy 1 and I stopped by one of my favorite fruit stands in Oceano right across the street from the Melodrama. I bought some cherries. The fruits of our labor....lol
This is a very popular place to stop as well as Hyashi's on Hwy 1 a little further down.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
A bit more hopeful today
We all have some tough days, and I've quite a few in a row. Sometimes you just barely get yourself up from the last hit to be knocked down again before you even knew it was happening.
I've heard others say it comes in waves. This has been my experience as well, Just hope the wave is over for a time. Trying to take the breath I need.
Pickles is doing alright, but she is in a lot of pain. I give her pain meds every 4 hours just to make sure she is as comfortable as possible. It make me feel better as her owner to know there really wasn't anything I could have done to save her teeth. They were just bad and needed to come out. It's the breed says the vet. So, I'm not beating myself up for that anymore. I have a tendency to beat myself up over these type of things. Just wondering what I could have done different to make it better kind of thing.
Last night I know Leon our neighbor knew we were kinda down with all the goings on, so he went and got a chicken and such to have dinner. We ate dinner outside on the patio and watched the humming birds play 20 feet away. It was a nice diversion. Leon gets depressed about things, and needs to have someone to come over and talk too now and then. It's all good. I ate the veggies and goodies, but didn't eat the chicken.
Still trying to keep myself meat free. Our cruelty to animals makes me sad.
After realizing that licking my wounds about the money and getting the RV fixed isn't going to get done any faster while I'm dragging around the house, I woke up and decided to work even harder than before. What else can I do? I can give up and that won't get me anywhere. So, it's up and I'm going to try to work even harder at the dream.
In fact, I've made some of the best art of my life these last few days. Laurie and I are getting ready to take our art to various stores for consignment. That way we will be making money in stores and Ebay hopefully.
I've gotten rid of all excess junk around the house, and Laurie has been painting the trailer, so things are looking nicer around here.
I'm getting ready to plant a winter garden just in case we are stuck here. (Have to think about all possibilities) Plus, Leon will take care of the garden and be able to eat the food. It's a win, win situation.
I've decided to go ahead and change my name as well. It's been a dream of mine for many years and now I'm gonna go for it. I've filled out the forms and I'm going to fill out a waver for the fee and see what happens from there. I know I'd rather sign my art with my new name rather than my old one.
It reflects who I am now. My Native name when I was a child and my adult Native name with my middle name taken from one of my best friends from High School who was Pima. I miss her and wish I could find all my foster sisters and brothers. I still feel connected to them.
Jade Laurie's new dog is doing good with us, like she's been a member of our family from the beginning. I'm so happy she came into our lives. I look forward to traveling with her. I just look forward to traveling PERIOD!
The RV looks great. It's polished, washed, prepped, and ready to go other than it needs shocks. Tomorrow I'm taking it to Wayne's Tire to see what their take on how much it will cost to repair. I'm hoping the first place was oh so wrong and that it will only need the minimum of repair and treatment. Miracles do still happen I know. I've seen them. That or some kind soul will send us the money to repair it and get us back into environment Laurie can thrive. The marine layer doesn't bother me much. I like it too, it's spooky and cold, and I love to sit around a fire while it comes in from the ocean. The droplets when it's really heavy. Nice. But then again, I've always loved the rain and most weather.
Getting things on Ebay again. I've started selling rather slowly but am going to have to up the pace if we want to be able to leave here by this winter sometime. We still have a few months before it gets cold around here for the actual winter.
So, we are very busy.
I've also thought about taking some classes at the local community college. I've known many professional students that live quite a nice life. I'm always up to learn something new. I wouldn't mind taking a few classes on writing. I used to be a Journalist in my younger years, but have lost much of my knowledge due to lack of use. I'm ready to fire up the brain cells and get things rolling again in my life.
I remember the days of college and how exciting it was to be on campus. Something was always a buzz. When I went for therapy at Cal Poly I always felt the excitement of just being there where people are trying to better their lives, learn, and perhaps change the way of the world. Very exciting to me.
Think I'll get off this blog and get some beadwork done. I'm going to make some flower necklaces with seed beads. I'll post pictures when I get some done.
I'll also post pictures of the blood oranges I've made into wall hangings. They came out better than I thought. I have a great imagination when it comes to these type of hangings. I've made them since I was a little hippie girl here in Oceano in the 70's when I'd sell them to the tourists and locals alike to hang outside their beach cottages.
Well, the cottages are giving way now to super duper hotels and apartments. It's so sad to me. I rarely go to downtown Pismo anymore. Just too many people. There used to be a break in the tourists, now it seems there isn't anymore. I'm only into crowds when I'm entertaining or making money. Not to enjoy my leisure time.
Have a good day ALL and don't forget: If you made a mistake yesterday, you can make today better!
I've heard others say it comes in waves. This has been my experience as well, Just hope the wave is over for a time. Trying to take the breath I need.
Pickles is doing alright, but she is in a lot of pain. I give her pain meds every 4 hours just to make sure she is as comfortable as possible. It make me feel better as her owner to know there really wasn't anything I could have done to save her teeth. They were just bad and needed to come out. It's the breed says the vet. So, I'm not beating myself up for that anymore. I have a tendency to beat myself up over these type of things. Just wondering what I could have done different to make it better kind of thing.
Last night I know Leon our neighbor knew we were kinda down with all the goings on, so he went and got a chicken and such to have dinner. We ate dinner outside on the patio and watched the humming birds play 20 feet away. It was a nice diversion. Leon gets depressed about things, and needs to have someone to come over and talk too now and then. It's all good. I ate the veggies and goodies, but didn't eat the chicken.
Still trying to keep myself meat free. Our cruelty to animals makes me sad.
After realizing that licking my wounds about the money and getting the RV fixed isn't going to get done any faster while I'm dragging around the house, I woke up and decided to work even harder than before. What else can I do? I can give up and that won't get me anywhere. So, it's up and I'm going to try to work even harder at the dream.
In fact, I've made some of the best art of my life these last few days. Laurie and I are getting ready to take our art to various stores for consignment. That way we will be making money in stores and Ebay hopefully.
I've gotten rid of all excess junk around the house, and Laurie has been painting the trailer, so things are looking nicer around here.
I'm getting ready to plant a winter garden just in case we are stuck here. (Have to think about all possibilities) Plus, Leon will take care of the garden and be able to eat the food. It's a win, win situation.
I've decided to go ahead and change my name as well. It's been a dream of mine for many years and now I'm gonna go for it. I've filled out the forms and I'm going to fill out a waver for the fee and see what happens from there. I know I'd rather sign my art with my new name rather than my old one.
It reflects who I am now. My Native name when I was a child and my adult Native name with my middle name taken from one of my best friends from High School who was Pima. I miss her and wish I could find all my foster sisters and brothers. I still feel connected to them.
Jade Laurie's new dog is doing good with us, like she's been a member of our family from the beginning. I'm so happy she came into our lives. I look forward to traveling with her. I just look forward to traveling PERIOD!
The RV looks great. It's polished, washed, prepped, and ready to go other than it needs shocks. Tomorrow I'm taking it to Wayne's Tire to see what their take on how much it will cost to repair. I'm hoping the first place was oh so wrong and that it will only need the minimum of repair and treatment. Miracles do still happen I know. I've seen them. That or some kind soul will send us the money to repair it and get us back into environment Laurie can thrive. The marine layer doesn't bother me much. I like it too, it's spooky and cold, and I love to sit around a fire while it comes in from the ocean. The droplets when it's really heavy. Nice. But then again, I've always loved the rain and most weather.
Getting things on Ebay again. I've started selling rather slowly but am going to have to up the pace if we want to be able to leave here by this winter sometime. We still have a few months before it gets cold around here for the actual winter.
So, we are very busy.
I've also thought about taking some classes at the local community college. I've known many professional students that live quite a nice life. I'm always up to learn something new. I wouldn't mind taking a few classes on writing. I used to be a Journalist in my younger years, but have lost much of my knowledge due to lack of use. I'm ready to fire up the brain cells and get things rolling again in my life.
I remember the days of college and how exciting it was to be on campus. Something was always a buzz. When I went for therapy at Cal Poly I always felt the excitement of just being there where people are trying to better their lives, learn, and perhaps change the way of the world. Very exciting to me.
Think I'll get off this blog and get some beadwork done. I'm going to make some flower necklaces with seed beads. I'll post pictures when I get some done.
I'll also post pictures of the blood oranges I've made into wall hangings. They came out better than I thought. I have a great imagination when it comes to these type of hangings. I've made them since I was a little hippie girl here in Oceano in the 70's when I'd sell them to the tourists and locals alike to hang outside their beach cottages.
Well, the cottages are giving way now to super duper hotels and apartments. It's so sad to me. I rarely go to downtown Pismo anymore. Just too many people. There used to be a break in the tourists, now it seems there isn't anymore. I'm only into crowds when I'm entertaining or making money. Not to enjoy my leisure time.
Have a good day ALL and don't forget: If you made a mistake yesterday, you can make today better!
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
A day off to enjoy this beautiful area
We have the car packed with the art we have ready. I've taken pictures of most of it I think. I'm very proud of these pieces that Laurie and I have.
Laurie has been working very hard on masks, paintings, beading and such. I'm very proud of her.
Yesterday we had a blast going to Lake Lopez and Biddle Park. We found ourselves all over the place taking pictures of all the beauty
These were my son Cory's favorite birds when he was a child. He thought they were majestic he was right!
Beautiful Lopez Lake, Ca
I loved this tree.
A young buck
From our car
Deer were everywhere with their young enjoying the early evening in Lopez
Going down Hwy 1
The Oceano Valley This scene hasn't changed much since the 70's, but the amount of people who have moved here has exploded.
Laurie has been working very hard on masks, paintings, beading and such. I'm very proud of her.
Yesterday we had a blast going to Lake Lopez and Biddle Park. We found ourselves all over the place taking pictures of all the beauty
These were my son Cory's favorite birds when he was a child. He thought they were majestic he was right!
Beautiful Lopez Lake, Ca
I loved this tree.
A young buck
From our car
Deer were everywhere with their young enjoying the early evening in Lopez
Going down Hwy 1
The Oceano Valley This scene hasn't changed much since the 70's, but the amount of people who have moved here has exploded.
Everyone wants to move to paradise. Then it gets crowded and changes the quaint little towns into busy cities! I've seen this happen here in Pismo/Oceano/Avila an the surrounding area's.
All the back roads are just as full of people as ever.
The noise and pollution is incredible.
But still it's a wonderful place to be compared to many others.
There is still a small town feel at times and in various places.
Going to Biddle Park was wonderful. There were very few people there. We were able to let the dogs run off leash and it was a nice experience.
The sirens around Santa Maria are constant anymore. I am amazed how this town has changed in just a few short years. Murder/gangs/Police chiefs ousted and so much more. I long for the quiet and less of everything.
Laurie has really been able to see what I've been talking about and think she is so ready to go as well. Just in the year she's been here the mobile home park has changed personal, attitude, and so forth. The town is just not as it once was, but I suppose that is progress.
Just looking for a bit less of it.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
It's Sunday and time to rest now
This weekend has really been trying on me personally.
I have to take Pickles to the vet tomorrow morning, and I'm afraid of how much that will cost. She has an infected tooth I think or something going on in her mouth because it has a smell of infection in it. I feel so bad for her. I just hope they can make her comfortable and it hasn't caused too much damage to any of her organs.
Of course, I'm grateful I have the money, but it will take all the money I've saved for the RV, and that's so disheartening. I've tried so hard to work and save the money to get the RV fixed. I've stayed home and not gone anywhere. I've not gone camping, meetings, visiting, nothing. I've scaled down my bills to practically nothing. I have a free cell phone, we have reduced electricity, every thing we can do to lower our bills we do.
It's a depressing day in many ways. I try to keep up beat, but it's really hard when you have a constant reminder that you are NOT out in the woods but in a nasty dirty city. I hate it here. I hate living in a tin box, and how close everyone is to us. This is really hard, but yet I'm managed to keep a fairly good outlook until today. I'm just so done with being a Pollyanna type person. It's hard to see the good from this all. Yes, I should be and am grateful I have the money to take Pickles to the vet, because there were years gone by that I didn't and lost animals.
But still, I can't help but feel a little sorry for myself for having to scrap all this money up to start my dream on getting back on the road, just to have it gone in a moment. I have to start over saving again.
I am working harder now than before I retired. If this is what retirement is about shit, I'm tired! How do I get myself in these places of having to work harder than I choose. ARF!
My needs are so small, so it amazes me how much money it takes to live.
I'm hoping I don't loose entire hope, but I'm about there. I see people that are dark, and mean spirited get rich and live charmed lives while I see people like myself work their asses off and go nowhere. I'm honest and give back as much as possible, while seeing people that lie, cheat and do wrong prosper. I've seen this all my life. My own Mother never drank, or broke the law, and helped all who needed it, while seeing her go through so much in life. She never had peace, nor did anyone treat her with respect. I only know what I've seen. And I've seen the evil ones get ahead while the peacemakers suffer.
I remember being in the Mormon church how I saw people cheating on their spouses, how I was molested as a young girl, how gossip destroyed my reputation, and yet I was a virgin and keeping the so called rules. Then I saw all those people get temple recommends to do 'God's work, while I wasn't able to do it due to MY SINS! Too funny now. How sill is religion? I truly believe it's for the weak minded! I used to think that when I was a young woman, now I know it to be a fact.
People who turn to religion are looking for someone to tell them how to have a relationship with God, those that don't need religion, are those that HAVE a relationship with God and don't need anyone to define it for them. A personal relationship with God is all you need. Nothing more.
I'm always amazed at all the rituals, gatherings, do this and do that, to make sure you get a place in heaven. How silly is that?
I'm not a sinner, nor will I ever be. I don't belong to this world, I'm just a visitor and I want to be beamed up because it isn't fun here anymore.
I have to take Pickles to the vet tomorrow morning, and I'm afraid of how much that will cost. She has an infected tooth I think or something going on in her mouth because it has a smell of infection in it. I feel so bad for her. I just hope they can make her comfortable and it hasn't caused too much damage to any of her organs.
Of course, I'm grateful I have the money, but it will take all the money I've saved for the RV, and that's so disheartening. I've tried so hard to work and save the money to get the RV fixed. I've stayed home and not gone anywhere. I've not gone camping, meetings, visiting, nothing. I've scaled down my bills to practically nothing. I have a free cell phone, we have reduced electricity, every thing we can do to lower our bills we do.
It's a depressing day in many ways. I try to keep up beat, but it's really hard when you have a constant reminder that you are NOT out in the woods but in a nasty dirty city. I hate it here. I hate living in a tin box, and how close everyone is to us. This is really hard, but yet I'm managed to keep a fairly good outlook until today. I'm just so done with being a Pollyanna type person. It's hard to see the good from this all. Yes, I should be and am grateful I have the money to take Pickles to the vet, because there were years gone by that I didn't and lost animals.
But still, I can't help but feel a little sorry for myself for having to scrap all this money up to start my dream on getting back on the road, just to have it gone in a moment. I have to start over saving again.
I am working harder now than before I retired. If this is what retirement is about shit, I'm tired! How do I get myself in these places of having to work harder than I choose. ARF!
My needs are so small, so it amazes me how much money it takes to live.
I'm hoping I don't loose entire hope, but I'm about there. I see people that are dark, and mean spirited get rich and live charmed lives while I see people like myself work their asses off and go nowhere. I'm honest and give back as much as possible, while seeing people that lie, cheat and do wrong prosper. I've seen this all my life. My own Mother never drank, or broke the law, and helped all who needed it, while seeing her go through so much in life. She never had peace, nor did anyone treat her with respect. I only know what I've seen. And I've seen the evil ones get ahead while the peacemakers suffer.
I remember being in the Mormon church how I saw people cheating on their spouses, how I was molested as a young girl, how gossip destroyed my reputation, and yet I was a virgin and keeping the so called rules. Then I saw all those people get temple recommends to do 'God's work, while I wasn't able to do it due to MY SINS! Too funny now. How sill is religion? I truly believe it's for the weak minded! I used to think that when I was a young woman, now I know it to be a fact.
People who turn to religion are looking for someone to tell them how to have a relationship with God, those that don't need religion, are those that HAVE a relationship with God and don't need anyone to define it for them. A personal relationship with God is all you need. Nothing more.
I'm always amazed at all the rituals, gatherings, do this and do that, to make sure you get a place in heaven. How silly is that?
I'm not a sinner, nor will I ever be. I don't belong to this world, I'm just a visitor and I want to be beamed up because it isn't fun here anymore.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Fabulous lotion bars..........I'm going to make some of these
I found this on the net and thought I'd make some of these. I'll let you know how it goes. But for now, I thought I'd share the recipe just in case you wanted to make your own.

Lotion bars are one of my favorite natural beauty recipes to make. They are a simple way to moisturize and nourish the skin and they can be easily customized for a variety of uses. This variation is one of my favorites, especially for after athletic training or on sore muscles. I don’t use it during pregnancy, but it is great at other times. I also make a diluted version by using half as much Menthol and Essential Oil and omitting the Arnica oil for use on the kids when they get growing pains.
These natural pain relief lotion bars smell excellent and work wonders on sore or tired muscles!
Turn the burner on and bring water to a low simmer. Stir ingredients constantly until they are melted and smooth.
Remove from heat and stir in the menthol crystals and stir until dissolved.
Add essential oils and arnica oil (optional) and stir until mixed.
Carefully pour into molds or whatever you will be allowing the lotion bars to harden in. I used these silicon loaf molds, though any mold would work.
Allow the lotion bars to cool completely before attempting to pop out of molds. These could be made in different shaped molds or made in a square baking pan and then cut into actual bars.
To apply to skin: hold bar in hand and carefully rub on dry skin. The heat of the skin will transfer some of the lotion bar to the skin. I store my lotion bars on a small plate on my dresser and bathroom counter. Add more or less menthol for a more or less potent bar.
If you do make some of these let me know how you liked them.
Now For How My Day Went Today!
To start with, I took the RV in and got it smogged. I got a ride back which was good since I had so many things to do at home.
I pulled up the tomato plants and took off all the little tomatoes. Or I should say, Laurie took all the tomatoes off the plants. I'm going to have to get the food dryer out and dry them. We can use them this winter. I'm trying to keep ours bills as low as possible this winter since we have decided to keep the mobile home and pay for the space rent while gone and that way we will have a place to home too when it's warmer around here.
Laurie has been painting the outside of the trailer white and it looks so much better than the brown it's painted right now. I also want to paint the RV before we go.
But today washing and waxing it really make a big difference. It looks great. The inside looks great. I'm excited about getting back on the road. I know Jade will love it. Hope she enjoys being on the road. I know she will, she likes to get out and ride and also explore new places like Pickles. They will have so much fun together.
When I go to park the RV back in the back area of the mobile home park, we'll let Pickles and Jade run and do their evening duty. The RV looks so nice and shines since I waxed it. I'm trying to keep it as nice as possible.
I went through all the paperwork for the RV to see what all has been done in the past. WoW, I'm amazed how much upgrading has been done and upkeep. So, I know I have a good one.
Just to be able to get the money up to finish getting the shocks, bushings and whatever else is needed. I'll be so happy to get that done and over with. It will ride so much smoother once that is done. Then I'll have to get the generator tuned up. After that, we should be ready to go.
I'll have to really get moving on getting things on Ebay and start really making some extra money to be able to get these repairs done. And if anything goes wrong while on the road, we want to be ale to get the work done.
Pain Relief Lotion Bars
Lotion bars are one of my favorite natural beauty recipes to make. They are a simple way to moisturize and nourish the skin and they can be easily customized for a variety of uses. This variation is one of my favorites, especially for after athletic training or on sore muscles. I don’t use it during pregnancy, but it is great at other times. I also make a diluted version by using half as much Menthol and Essential Oil and omitting the Arnica oil for use on the kids when they get growing pains.
These natural pain relief lotion bars smell excellent and work wonders on sore or tired muscles!
- 1/3 cup coconut oil
- 1/3 cup shea butter, cocoa butter or mango butter
- 1/3 cup beeswax (can add an extra ounce or two if you want a thicker consistency, which leaves less lotion on the skin when used)
- 1 tablespoon of Menthol Crystals
- 10 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
- 1/2 tsp Arnica Oil (optional)
How to Make:
Combine all ingredients in a quart size glass mason jar and carefully place this jar in a small saucepan of water on the stove.Turn the burner on and bring water to a low simmer. Stir ingredients constantly until they are melted and smooth.
Remove from heat and stir in the menthol crystals and stir until dissolved.
Add essential oils and arnica oil (optional) and stir until mixed.
Carefully pour into molds or whatever you will be allowing the lotion bars to harden in. I used these silicon loaf molds, though any mold would work.
Allow the lotion bars to cool completely before attempting to pop out of molds. These could be made in different shaped molds or made in a square baking pan and then cut into actual bars.
How to Use:
Store in a cool or dry place for up to six months (I’ve even had some last as long as a year).To apply to skin: hold bar in hand and carefully rub on dry skin. The heat of the skin will transfer some of the lotion bar to the skin. I store my lotion bars on a small plate on my dresser and bathroom counter. Add more or less menthol for a more or less potent bar.
If you do make some of these let me know how you liked them.
Now For How My Day Went Today!
To start with, I took the RV in and got it smogged. I got a ride back which was good since I had so many things to do at home.
I pulled up the tomato plants and took off all the little tomatoes. Or I should say, Laurie took all the tomatoes off the plants. I'm going to have to get the food dryer out and dry them. We can use them this winter. I'm trying to keep ours bills as low as possible this winter since we have decided to keep the mobile home and pay for the space rent while gone and that way we will have a place to home too when it's warmer around here.
Laurie has been painting the outside of the trailer white and it looks so much better than the brown it's painted right now. I also want to paint the RV before we go.
But today washing and waxing it really make a big difference. It looks great. The inside looks great. I'm excited about getting back on the road. I know Jade will love it. Hope she enjoys being on the road. I know she will, she likes to get out and ride and also explore new places like Pickles. They will have so much fun together.
When I go to park the RV back in the back area of the mobile home park, we'll let Pickles and Jade run and do their evening duty. The RV looks so nice and shines since I waxed it. I'm trying to keep it as nice as possible.
I went through all the paperwork for the RV to see what all has been done in the past. WoW, I'm amazed how much upgrading has been done and upkeep. So, I know I have a good one.
Just to be able to get the money up to finish getting the shocks, bushings and whatever else is needed. I'll be so happy to get that done and over with. It will ride so much smoother once that is done. Then I'll have to get the generator tuned up. After that, we should be ready to go.
I'll have to really get moving on getting things on Ebay and start really making some extra money to be able to get these repairs done. And if anything goes wrong while on the road, we want to be ale to get the work done.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Being Dog Tired after a week-end of working!
Oh my goodness. It's been a busy, Laurie and I have worked harder this week/week-end than we have in a very long time.
Laurie was going to have company, but I asked that he consider another time to come visit, and he agreed. I'm so glad, because last night Laurie was in bed at 11pm. She usually stays up to at least 1 a.m. She's been suffering due to the terrible humidity we've been having. I have to tell ya, I really don't remember it being this humid around her before. But, then again, I didn't have a girlfriend that suffered from MS for me to notice as much.
But when she suffers I worry and hate it. Laurie has been having it rough lately. Having Jade has helped quite a bit. We are training her to walk properly with Laurie while she is still able to walk fairly well. Her training is coming along so well. I'm so proud of not only Jade for how well she's doing and how well she compliments our family.
I don't think I've ever been this content and happy before. Laurie really is the partner I needed to complete me and help me with my journey. Not someone I need to babysit, or tell what to do every moment. But she was brought in to my life to challenge me, and bring out the best in me, and she has done just that.
Just watching Laurie and Jade in their personal journey is so fantastic. Laurie is happy, content and knows she's loved for the very first time in her life. And I can say, I truly feel loved and accepted just as I am. I don't have to change to have her love me. And I KNOW she will never leave me. That is something no one has ever given me. What a precious gift.
I was thinking this today. All the misery others have caused me, all the lies, the betrayal, cheating, gossip, and all that I've gone through with others that professed to love me. Laurie makes up for it all. I'm grateful for those people that have been in my life in the past. I'm also grateful for the lessons learned through them. They say love is never wasted. I'm hoping that is true and they (people from my past) realize how they were once loved, and will look back on our time together and smile and think of the good times. But it's been my experience that those I've left have made me the bad guy so they wouldn't look bad, rather than take responsibility for their own stuff. All in all, it doesn't matter anymore because I've forgiven those that have done these things in my life, and I've also forgiven myself for my own short comings.
When you move forward without regrets it makes for a more peaceful life. After all, we all do our best.
I look forward to coming home when I'm away. I know things are warm and inviting for me.
I've had such a fantastic career. I've done all the things I've wanted. I've worked hard, played hard and known some pretty fantastic people.
I've been to fantastic places and my experiences on the earth has been beyond all my wildest dreams. And more is yet to come.
So this evening, when I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open, I sit here with candles shining on my table. My glass of wine close, and my sage burning to send my prayers of thanks to the Great Spirit in the sky, I can't help but smile and know that I have spent this day well.
I had a two hour party tonight in Santa Maria. There was a live Mexican band and they were fantastic. Their costumes were perfect, and the music was so beautiful. The food was great, the people were festive, and I love my job.
After the party, I came home and did some gardening. Our garden is winding down with the tomatoes and the squash is starting to show small veggies. I'm excited and can't wait to be able to cook them and dry some for our trip. The onions are almost ready. In fact, I could pick some now, but I don't really need any now, as I've been getting onions when I dumpster dive.
I'm thinking of doing it in the morning, but as I write tonight, I'm pretty tired. I know diving will involve a lot of work. To be able to get it all out of the dumpster, usually one by one, then go home and wash everything, then cut it up, or whatever needs to be done to preserve it or give it away. I do enjoy giving the food away that I get. I know so many people are on fixed incomes and would love the food rather than seeing it go into the land fill.
That is a pet peeve of mine to see perfectly good food go into the land fill. Tomorrow is trash day, so I have to get to the dumpster before 6 am in order to get anything otherwise it will be gone. So, we'll see how I feel in the morning.
We have so much to do. The RV needs to be registered and get the tags, but I have to have it smogged. So that will be on the list for tomorrow. The rv smogged, then registered, then parked back in storage until I can get the repairs. I'm getting closer so there is hope.
Then we have to give Jade a bath, and take her to get her nails clipped. I don't want to do anything like that anymore and rather pay someone else to do it.
I sold all my grooming tools during the yard sale for a song to a gentlemen that gives haircuts to prisoners in jail. Alrighty then He was as happy as a clam.
I sold so much stuff during the yard sale. I sold every bit of my jewelry! Including the display case. He really thought he got a good deal and he really did. He will be able to triple his money. But I did too, I didn't feel the need to be greedy.
I feel like some really good karma is coming our way. Laurie feels it too. It's our time. We've been helping people all our lives. Both of us had service jobs and did them well. Now, it's our time to enjoy life without worry.
Just wish we had more money to do more things. We believe this will come too. We certainly work hard enough. I'm certain that Laurie's art is going to really take off, and our Seaweed people are going to be loved by many.
I've starting my beadwork again. I'm doing better than ever too. I've been making leather pouches, and purses. They are so nice. People are complimenting me on my work, so I just know that I will be selling more than ever. Actually, I sell them as fast as I make them. I only have like three in stock at this writing because I sell them so quickly. Hope I get a picture of this one before it goes out the door. And I've been making a lot of seaweed rattles. I'll post pictures soon.
This week Laurie and I are going to work on getting our artwork in consignment shops. We've been asked by so many for some of our pieces. Just have to make time and get it done.
I'm so pleased with Jade! Laurie and I were talking of this. How, it could have been so much different, but she fits in perfectly and I can't be more happy. She is our forever dog now. They can't have her back. Now gonna see about getting any and all training we can afford.
I was informed that we might have someone that may be able to pay for Laurie's harness that she will need with Jade to help her walk. I'm so happy and feeling blessed. Everything is coming together for us in so many ways.
The candles are doing their trick. I'm loving this evening of rest and reflection. We have such a blessed life, I just want to scream it from the rooftops.
All the suffering Laurie and I have gone through, it's nice to have this time in our life together. We are both survivors of much abuse in our lives, and yet we aren't bitter, nor do we sit around and feel sorry for ourselves. We have made peace with the past and those that have hurt us, and decided to move forward together and enjoy the rest of our lives happy.
You don't have to be defined by events in your lives. You can get past them, and live a healthy and peaceful life. I'm proof. Laurie is proof.
It took a lot of work on our part to get where we are. Taking responsibility for our own short comings, and the things we've done in our lives.
I was so wild as a young person. Laurie on the other hand was busy being a New Jersey police officer and keeping herself clean.
I've never been arrested or in jail, so that is a good thing. The difference between them and me, is I didn't get caught. Now, I live such a clean life I could be a nun.
I'm in bed usually around 9. I don't get wild anymore, and no more loud music. At least not while living here in this 55 and above senior park...LOL
I wouldn't leave my home before 9 to go party. Funny how things change.
I'm grateful for my wild times. I got out all the crazy, and now live a more zen type of life, without regrets. I'd rather meditate or walk in the woods than go to a club as I used too.
Besides, I have all I need at home. Clubs are usually filled drama and a lot of women I wouldn't take home to Mother.
Gonna do a little on line gaming with the free casino games before we go on the road. But we are determined to find them all on the road and play at each one. Fun fun fun.
Night all, and don't forget to be grateful for all your blessings.
Laurie was going to have company, but I asked that he consider another time to come visit, and he agreed. I'm so glad, because last night Laurie was in bed at 11pm. She usually stays up to at least 1 a.m. She's been suffering due to the terrible humidity we've been having. I have to tell ya, I really don't remember it being this humid around her before. But, then again, I didn't have a girlfriend that suffered from MS for me to notice as much.
But when she suffers I worry and hate it. Laurie has been having it rough lately. Having Jade has helped quite a bit. We are training her to walk properly with Laurie while she is still able to walk fairly well. Her training is coming along so well. I'm so proud of not only Jade for how well she's doing and how well she compliments our family.
I don't think I've ever been this content and happy before. Laurie really is the partner I needed to complete me and help me with my journey. Not someone I need to babysit, or tell what to do every moment. But she was brought in to my life to challenge me, and bring out the best in me, and she has done just that.
Just watching Laurie and Jade in their personal journey is so fantastic. Laurie is happy, content and knows she's loved for the very first time in her life. And I can say, I truly feel loved and accepted just as I am. I don't have to change to have her love me. And I KNOW she will never leave me. That is something no one has ever given me. What a precious gift.
I was thinking this today. All the misery others have caused me, all the lies, the betrayal, cheating, gossip, and all that I've gone through with others that professed to love me. Laurie makes up for it all. I'm grateful for those people that have been in my life in the past. I'm also grateful for the lessons learned through them. They say love is never wasted. I'm hoping that is true and they (people from my past) realize how they were once loved, and will look back on our time together and smile and think of the good times. But it's been my experience that those I've left have made me the bad guy so they wouldn't look bad, rather than take responsibility for their own stuff. All in all, it doesn't matter anymore because I've forgiven those that have done these things in my life, and I've also forgiven myself for my own short comings.
When you move forward without regrets it makes for a more peaceful life. After all, we all do our best.
I look forward to coming home when I'm away. I know things are warm and inviting for me.
I've had such a fantastic career. I've done all the things I've wanted. I've worked hard, played hard and known some pretty fantastic people.
I've been to fantastic places and my experiences on the earth has been beyond all my wildest dreams. And more is yet to come.
So this evening, when I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open, I sit here with candles shining on my table. My glass of wine close, and my sage burning to send my prayers of thanks to the Great Spirit in the sky, I can't help but smile and know that I have spent this day well.
I had a two hour party tonight in Santa Maria. There was a live Mexican band and they were fantastic. Their costumes were perfect, and the music was so beautiful. The food was great, the people were festive, and I love my job.
After the party, I came home and did some gardening. Our garden is winding down with the tomatoes and the squash is starting to show small veggies. I'm excited and can't wait to be able to cook them and dry some for our trip. The onions are almost ready. In fact, I could pick some now, but I don't really need any now, as I've been getting onions when I dumpster dive.
I'm thinking of doing it in the morning, but as I write tonight, I'm pretty tired. I know diving will involve a lot of work. To be able to get it all out of the dumpster, usually one by one, then go home and wash everything, then cut it up, or whatever needs to be done to preserve it or give it away. I do enjoy giving the food away that I get. I know so many people are on fixed incomes and would love the food rather than seeing it go into the land fill.
That is a pet peeve of mine to see perfectly good food go into the land fill. Tomorrow is trash day, so I have to get to the dumpster before 6 am in order to get anything otherwise it will be gone. So, we'll see how I feel in the morning.
We have so much to do. The RV needs to be registered and get the tags, but I have to have it smogged. So that will be on the list for tomorrow. The rv smogged, then registered, then parked back in storage until I can get the repairs. I'm getting closer so there is hope.
Then we have to give Jade a bath, and take her to get her nails clipped. I don't want to do anything like that anymore and rather pay someone else to do it.
I sold all my grooming tools during the yard sale for a song to a gentlemen that gives haircuts to prisoners in jail. Alrighty then He was as happy as a clam.
I sold so much stuff during the yard sale. I sold every bit of my jewelry! Including the display case. He really thought he got a good deal and he really did. He will be able to triple his money. But I did too, I didn't feel the need to be greedy.
I feel like some really good karma is coming our way. Laurie feels it too. It's our time. We've been helping people all our lives. Both of us had service jobs and did them well. Now, it's our time to enjoy life without worry.
Just wish we had more money to do more things. We believe this will come too. We certainly work hard enough. I'm certain that Laurie's art is going to really take off, and our Seaweed people are going to be loved by many.
I've starting my beadwork again. I'm doing better than ever too. I've been making leather pouches, and purses. They are so nice. People are complimenting me on my work, so I just know that I will be selling more than ever. Actually, I sell them as fast as I make them. I only have like three in stock at this writing because I sell them so quickly. Hope I get a picture of this one before it goes out the door. And I've been making a lot of seaweed rattles. I'll post pictures soon.
This week Laurie and I are going to work on getting our artwork in consignment shops. We've been asked by so many for some of our pieces. Just have to make time and get it done.
I'm so pleased with Jade! Laurie and I were talking of this. How, it could have been so much different, but she fits in perfectly and I can't be more happy. She is our forever dog now. They can't have her back. Now gonna see about getting any and all training we can afford.
I was informed that we might have someone that may be able to pay for Laurie's harness that she will need with Jade to help her walk. I'm so happy and feeling blessed. Everything is coming together for us in so many ways.
The candles are doing their trick. I'm loving this evening of rest and reflection. We have such a blessed life, I just want to scream it from the rooftops.
All the suffering Laurie and I have gone through, it's nice to have this time in our life together. We are both survivors of much abuse in our lives, and yet we aren't bitter, nor do we sit around and feel sorry for ourselves. We have made peace with the past and those that have hurt us, and decided to move forward together and enjoy the rest of our lives happy.
You don't have to be defined by events in your lives. You can get past them, and live a healthy and peaceful life. I'm proof. Laurie is proof.
It took a lot of work on our part to get where we are. Taking responsibility for our own short comings, and the things we've done in our lives.
I was so wild as a young person. Laurie on the other hand was busy being a New Jersey police officer and keeping herself clean.
I've never been arrested or in jail, so that is a good thing. The difference between them and me, is I didn't get caught. Now, I live such a clean life I could be a nun.
I'm in bed usually around 9. I don't get wild anymore, and no more loud music. At least not while living here in this 55 and above senior park...LOL
I wouldn't leave my home before 9 to go party. Funny how things change.
I'm grateful for my wild times. I got out all the crazy, and now live a more zen type of life, without regrets. I'd rather meditate or walk in the woods than go to a club as I used too.
Besides, I have all I need at home. Clubs are usually filled drama and a lot of women I wouldn't take home to Mother.
Gonna do a little on line gaming with the free casino games before we go on the road. But we are determined to find them all on the road and play at each one. Fun fun fun.
Night all, and don't forget to be grateful for all your blessings.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Our Yard Sale is a Success!
We got up early and had our breakfast. Laurie walked Jade, I walked Pickles and we got started loading up the Toyota with everything we could stuff into it. Our mobile home park was having a yard sale out front and we have been having them every first Saturday for the last three months. Next month is the last one we are going to have this year.
We spread out our blankets and put up the easy up and off we went. WE just pretty much put it out there and it sold. We sold quite a bit of things. Not that many clothes went, but almost all the jewelry went, Laurie sold some of her art. I was so proud of her.
We sold almost all the dog stuff, and the grooming clippers.
I have enough now to pay the registration on the RV, thank goodness.
I have money to put toward the repairs. So all in all our hard work has been paying off.
I have a two hour birthday party tomorrow night. That money will go toward repairs. I'm booked for the rest of the month, so that is really going to help.
I'm finally starting to believe we just may make it out of here this winter.
Laurie and I have decided we are going to work on getting the mobile home ready to be walked through by those that are interested in buying it. It's a great park to live in, and for $15,000, you can have your own place to paint and do with what you will. We have a small yard, but I'm been growing our food in the space since we moved here.
In fact, I have a whole patch of onions, and now have all kinds of squash coming, as well as tomatoes. I now have four avocado tree's coming up that I planted from seed.
I'm pretty proud of all the food I've grown and given away. I have been drying food lately. I have enough veggies to put in soups for the entire winter. And with it being dried, it is really light and won't weigh the RV down like can goods do.
I'm determined we will get better gas mileage that last year. We had way too many heavy things in the RV we didn't really need. Less is best, and the older I get the more I believe it. I want to go light.
That is the reason I was able to sell so many things today I didn't think I could.
But the older I get the less I need.
Wish we'd taken pictures but we were so busy selling things. Some things I didn't pay anything for and others, I made double my money. I'm so proud of Laurie and I for all we've done today.
I know Laurie has been suffering with the humidity today and lately. She looked really spent after the sale, so we've been taking it easy.
Between Laurie painting every night, and we doing bead work again, we've been busier than ever, but that is the only way we are going to get the repairs we need and get the things done we need to do before this winter creeps up on us.
We were going to go to Parker last year, but we didn't make it, and boy did we suffer!! We didn't have heat, because our heater didn't work so we used space heaters and it was still cold. That cost us a pretty penny to say the least! We used all the blanket we owned and don't want to go through that again.
I can only imagine how it is for the elderly in really cold regions. This is enough for us. Sometimes it was like 20 degree's. That's rough. We would light candles and anything else that gave off heat we could find.
I can hardly wait to get in the RV again. It will feel like home again. To sleep in the loft and shut the curtains is good with me. Of course, the RV we are looking to buy now is so much bigger and better. Yep, we are in negotiation with a dealer in AZ for another RV we've had our eye on. We shall see what happens with that. If it's meant to be it shall be. But I can tell you this, it's our dream RV! It has everything we need and want and has less than 30,000 miles. It's practically new. We are hopeful.
Our Sweet Jade
We are just so happy with our dog Jade. She is also a dream come true for me and Laurie. She needed Jade. They fit together like a glove.
These pictures I took of flowers that some were at the dump and the rest are at Waller Park.
This is our first meeting with Jade. She came at almost 1 am. WE were tired but excited to see her. WE are so grateful for the gal that drove her to us from Lake Havasu, AZ. We are so blessed and that gal will have the most wonderful KARMA!
Laurie and Pickles
Flowers from the Dog park in Santa Maria. It's known as one of the best Dog Parks in the United States. Fabulous!
Waller Park also has two beautiful ponds that are home to some fun feathered friends. I brought some bread and other goodies to feed our duck pals! Love them!
The squirrels are so fun at the park. They are so use to people feeding them they come right up to the car. They don't seem to be afraid of anything.
I really loved this tree. I couldn't get enough of it. When I stood under it, the birds were singing so beautifully.
Pickles loved this tree too. She thought there was an animal up there and was determined to climb up, but she didn't make it very far. Either way I think she had a blast thinking about it all.
What could it be Pickles???
Beautiful little flowers
Beading my hatband.
Love this!
We spread out our blankets and put up the easy up and off we went. WE just pretty much put it out there and it sold. We sold quite a bit of things. Not that many clothes went, but almost all the jewelry went, Laurie sold some of her art. I was so proud of her.
We sold almost all the dog stuff, and the grooming clippers.
I have enough now to pay the registration on the RV, thank goodness.
I have money to put toward the repairs. So all in all our hard work has been paying off.
I have a two hour birthday party tomorrow night. That money will go toward repairs. I'm booked for the rest of the month, so that is really going to help.
I'm finally starting to believe we just may make it out of here this winter.
Laurie and I have decided we are going to work on getting the mobile home ready to be walked through by those that are interested in buying it. It's a great park to live in, and for $15,000, you can have your own place to paint and do with what you will. We have a small yard, but I'm been growing our food in the space since we moved here.
In fact, I have a whole patch of onions, and now have all kinds of squash coming, as well as tomatoes. I now have four avocado tree's coming up that I planted from seed.
I'm pretty proud of all the food I've grown and given away. I have been drying food lately. I have enough veggies to put in soups for the entire winter. And with it being dried, it is really light and won't weigh the RV down like can goods do.
I'm determined we will get better gas mileage that last year. We had way too many heavy things in the RV we didn't really need. Less is best, and the older I get the more I believe it. I want to go light.
That is the reason I was able to sell so many things today I didn't think I could.
But the older I get the less I need.
Wish we'd taken pictures but we were so busy selling things. Some things I didn't pay anything for and others, I made double my money. I'm so proud of Laurie and I for all we've done today.
I know Laurie has been suffering with the humidity today and lately. She looked really spent after the sale, so we've been taking it easy.
Between Laurie painting every night, and we doing bead work again, we've been busier than ever, but that is the only way we are going to get the repairs we need and get the things done we need to do before this winter creeps up on us.
We were going to go to Parker last year, but we didn't make it, and boy did we suffer!! We didn't have heat, because our heater didn't work so we used space heaters and it was still cold. That cost us a pretty penny to say the least! We used all the blanket we owned and don't want to go through that again.
I can only imagine how it is for the elderly in really cold regions. This is enough for us. Sometimes it was like 20 degree's. That's rough. We would light candles and anything else that gave off heat we could find.
I can hardly wait to get in the RV again. It will feel like home again. To sleep in the loft and shut the curtains is good with me. Of course, the RV we are looking to buy now is so much bigger and better. Yep, we are in negotiation with a dealer in AZ for another RV we've had our eye on. We shall see what happens with that. If it's meant to be it shall be. But I can tell you this, it's our dream RV! It has everything we need and want and has less than 30,000 miles. It's practically new. We are hopeful.
Our Sweet Jade
We are just so happy with our dog Jade. She is also a dream come true for me and Laurie. She needed Jade. They fit together like a glove.
She is such a large dog it's hard to walk around her at times. I prefer if she lays on my bed so I can walk around more.
She is such a joy. Her temperament is so sweet. But we have found out that she doesn't like men one bit. So, we are guessing it was a man that abused her. She is a rescue dog.
She's such a love I can't imagine anyone hitting her or abusing her in any way. I know they hit her, because when I go to pet her at times she'll flinch, and cower. Poor little thing.
We are going to give her all the love she can possible handle. We talk to her sing to her, and take her to the dog park daily. And Pickles is starting to warm up to her. When they get up in the morning and greet each other it's so cute.
This is our first meeting with Jade. She came at almost 1 am. WE were tired but excited to see her. WE are so grateful for the gal that drove her to us from Lake Havasu, AZ. We are so blessed and that gal will have the most wonderful KARMA!
Laurie and Pickles
Flowers from the Dog park in Santa Maria. It's known as one of the best Dog Parks in the United States. Fabulous!
Waller Park also has two beautiful ponds that are home to some fun feathered friends. I brought some bread and other goodies to feed our duck pals! Love them!
The squirrels are so fun at the park. They are so use to people feeding them they come right up to the car. They don't seem to be afraid of anything.
I really loved this tree. I couldn't get enough of it. When I stood under it, the birds were singing so beautifully.
Pickles loved this tree too. She thought there was an animal up there and was determined to climb up, but she didn't make it very far. Either way I think she had a blast thinking about it all.
What could it be Pickles???
Beautiful little flowers
Beading my hatband.
Love this!
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