Beautiful day today here in Santa Maria. I'm up baking my 30 day cakes because I won't be here to stir them. They were ready to go anyway. I learned to make these cakes in the 70's when I first moved to Pismo Beach, when it was more of a community rather than a city. The women made these 'Friendship' cakes with fruit that you stir in a glass jar for thirty days before it's ready to bake. It's baked in a bundt cake pan, and an icing is poured over it till it drips. YUMMY! I'll see about getting a picture of the one in the oven before anyone gets a slice.
I made one last night. It was Laurie's first taste of a fruit cake. She didn't think she'd like it but turns out she loves it! So did Leon. To tell you the truth, I've not met anyone that didn't like my 30 day cake. It's expensive to make with all the ingredients. But well worth it. In the 70's they were sold for $25.00. That was quite a lot of money for a cake in those days.
Once I have the cakes done, (I have one more to bake) a total of three, then I will concentrate on what to get rid of in the fridge that would spoil while we are gone.
Need to pack for Pickles as well. I know it's going to be hot so I'll pack accordingly.
Yesterday I went to the thrift shop locally and found some overall shorts for me and Laurie. She loves hers. I'm glad because they are so comfortable to take a drive in. Nothing binding. That is important to me.
I used to wear my jeans so tight I'd get ingrown hair in my legs. Not anymore. Comfort is my first thought when buying clothes. Fashion second.
I'm so excited about our trip. We are going to pick up the van at the airport in Santa Maria, then load up, and off we go. I love adventures. Especially when we have a couple of days to play.
It will be exciting to see what we left behind. Of course I remember much of it, but when your things have been in a boxes for over a year and you've not seen it, sometimes you forget. Especially me with my bad memory. So this is fun. And of course, we are going rock hounding.
Hopefully next time we will take the RV and be able to take our time. But we have unlimited miles on the van so we are gonna have a blast.
We are going today to Wal-mart to get the food that feeds your fish while you are away. We only have three at this time, so that shouldn't be a problem.
I checked the RV last night while it was raining to see if it still leaked in the closet area, and thank the dancing pigs it was dry! So my friend Ron fixed a problem I've been tackling for about three years now. No more having to cover the roof with tarps! Yipee! That is such a load off my mind. One less thing to have to worry about.
After this road trip, I'll be getting ready for the Camping Women camp out. That will be so much fun. It will also be the first time I've taken out the RV since getting a new floor and carpet. Nice! Laurie is gonna come alone as well. She'll have a blast. These are some good women that have been there seen that.
We both finally have all we need concerning, money, food, medical and everything else for that matter. We are so blessed. We love our mobile home, our life, friends, and family, and we are at peace. This is a good time to be alive.
Leon our neighbor has said he will water our vegetable garden. I think he's just as excited about our garden as we are. This will be Laurie's first garden ever. Hard to believe she has never planted anything or watch it grown. I get most of my peace from gardening and pleasure of watching my food grow.
When we return I'll concentrate more on our home. There is a group of people that are coming to wash our mobile homes, and do repairs, and they've picked Laurie and I to help as well. Love it. So after they wash it good, perhaps we will have a paint party and paint the trailer. The park where we live will give us $200 toward paint. They like everything to look spiffy. I've already bought the $25 in flowers and planted them. They look so sweet.
When everything around you is beautiful and you've worked hard to make it that way there is a certain satisfaction that can't be beat. That's the kind of tired at the end of the day that feels the best. A restful sleep follows.
Gonna go get things ready for tomorrow. Hope everyone had a great Easter.
All my Relations!
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