Saturday, December 15, 2012

More trauma for our schools

Oh my goodness, watching the news in these times is so hard to do. Now we have another school shooting and it's unfolding as we speak. As far as this writing there are 20 children gunned down and 8 adults I believe. I'm dumbfounded. I don't even know what to think anymore.

It is things like this that bring out the crazies! People wanting to blame the democrats, and the democrats blame the republicans, who want to blame the lobbyists who want to blame, well, you get the picture. As for myself, I blame the one picking up the gun in the first place.

I've finally had to un-friend some people on my Facebook page. I guess I'm getting less tolerant of the Christian people.

Friday, December 14, 2012

When Friends come to visit

Girlfriend time

My friend Tree is here. I was visiting a friend of mine when I got the call that another friend of mine is there in Santa Maria with Laurie. Fun! I was having a girlfriend time is what I call it when I go stay with a friend and we eat popcorn and watch TV in our jammies, and just have a great time as you did when you were girl friends in your teens or kids. Lots of adults forget how to play or get too involved in life and forget to just play. 

Dory is so sweet. She'll have me over when I feel overwhelmed with life in general to offer me a time of not having to worry about much of anything. I go to work with her, and just enjoy my time alone. I have my own room. I can watch TV, eat up there, enjoy a wink and nudge. She cooks for me and has coffee for me in the morning. It's nice to be able to enjoy an early morning cup of coffee with a friend. Laurie and I enjoy different times of day. Laurie is a night owl and I'm an early bird. Laurie doesn't drink coffee either, so times like this are important to me. 

I got to walk all around Santa Margarita and found there is an auction house there I used to go too many years ago. In fact, I found a gal there I had sort of a crush on only to find out she wasn't gay, so that didn't go very far. It could have, but I wasn't into recruiting. She actually called me a few more times, but I decided it wasn't something I wanted to get involved in at the time. Good choice.

I told Dory my friend Tree was here, and she understood. So to put a plan in play to go to the movies and see "Lincoln". What a great movie. A time in history that needs to be remembered among many.  From there we went to Chinese food and it was FANTASTIC as usual. We went to China Gourmet on Grand and 4th in Oceano. It's got the best sweet and sour soup ever! I love the place and we go there whenever possible. If we lived closer I know it would take a toll on our budget. 

We have so many wonderful memories with great friends. I feel bad for those that don't have anyone to enjoy life with. I've had pretty much the same friends for many years. The only reason you are out of my life is due to your behavior against me or the like. I'm not perfect, nor are my friends, but we accept each other as we are with whatever quirks go along with that. There are times that we have to take breaks from each other, but basically we know we aren't mean spirited toward each other. We want to see each other succeed and have a happy life. No mean girls here. They have been weeded out. I once saw someone that was close to me enjoy my moment of pain and realized right then and there, not everyone in my life should be.

In this life, we learn who to trust and who to run from. Another great lesson to learn is to not let what others think even ruin one moment of your life. I don't anymore. 

I was born a people pleaser. Sometimes it comes forward, but I catch myself and correct it as soon as possible. I don't need to take any abuse from anyone, and don't want anyone in my life that would treat me that way. 

I love my friends and misfits as some call them. I have a collection of wonderfully inventive and artistic people on earth. At least my little plot of the earth.  Loving and accepting of myself and others like me. When I hear from others why they have me in their life, I'm amazed and think they are talking about someone else. It's hard to accept that we are actually wonderful and people love us for who we are authentically. Gee, if that doesn't humble you I don't know what else will. It's what we all look for in others. To accept us, and love us regardless or because of who we are. Nice.


I got the call from Devon the other day that made me cry. He called to tell me 
he thinks of me, and he wanted to thank me for all I did for him, and that he realizes how much I did for him while he lived here. He also realizes that I truly care about him and want to see him succeed. I wish of course that he would be the one that would raise my grandchildren with Tamara, but I could see that it wasn't going to happen. I was so sad to see he and Tamara break up but it had to happen I suppose. It is what it is. I had to learn to accept it and stay good with them both.
He said he was done with Tamara and was going to just concentrate on his life and getting a car, a place to live and move forward with a new sense of freedom

He said he was so thankful for his job and Steve teaching him a trade he can use anywhere he goes. He and Steve are buddies and that is what he needed. Someone that could take him under his wing and teach me a thing or two about life. Steven is the one. They are a lot a like. So this is so nice. 

He also said he'd get the part and fix the car! Sweet! He said that was the least he could do for all the times I'd get up and take him to work and then come pick him up. Take them to the store, and laundry etc. We did use the car a lot. So, this is a big burden off my shoulders. I am blessed.

Laurie is so sweet during all of this. I think being with me has opened her eyes to so much! First of all to all the people I know from all different backgrounds. But also, that they are such heartfelt wonderfully authentic people, who have made their mistakes, and have learned, to be able to teach others and help others on their journeys
Tauria and Rusty are wonderful people who have helped so many in their journey with me alone. If that makes sense. I have asked them to tell their story to many of those in my life in order to give understanding that people have such wonderful stories that start out going down one road and ending up going down an entirely new road and it turning out to be the BEST road after all. 

Devon calling came full circle with me and even my own son. Devon being one of Cory's best friends, I see a lot of the same traits in him that Cory once had. I am doing what would make Cory so proud and that is what he was trying to convey to others and that is, I accept people as they are and do my best to understand, and when I feel I'm wrong, I'll say so, and move on. I want to understand. I keep my heart open as best I can. I miss my son greatly as he had an open heart too, and at times he couldn't handle it and did what he thought he had to do in order to survive. He saw what I did to survive and though it was the way to cope. Sad. wish I'd been there more for him

Devon's parents aren't able to be there for him, but he said I am, and that works for him. I'm so thrilled to be in his life and have a positive role. Nice. I'm proud.

Back to my friend Tree. As I write now, she is trying to figure out how to fix my bathroom sink from dripping. She's working so hard on getting it right. How sweet is that? It's been fun having her here. We haven't really had time to get out and do anything due to the weather, but when it clears, I can see us getting out and perhaps going to Avila, or Guatalupe Beach. She needs to see that. She's actually thinking of moving here for awhile. That would be sweet for sure. Another friend to have close. I think she'd like it here.  Tree has met Dory and likes her, and this week-end she'll be meeting Tauria and Rusty during the BBQ. This will be a lot of fun. I think Tree is in need of a few new friends, and I just so happen to have a few for her to meet. Works out perfectly as it should be.

People have come and gone in my life just at the right time. I'm sure many of you have found this in your life as well. Interesting I think. And somehow in my life some have stayed way longer than I  had wished. But it's all in the pudding now I suppose. But either way my life has been enriched. 


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Wonderful Rain

Today has been a lazy day and a great day as well. It's been raining on and off all day. I have been incredibly lazy.

Yesterday was a very busy day. I had two parties. One in Paso Robles at the Children's Museum. I had a blast. It's a great museum and wish I could have taken my Grand kids while they where here. Oh well, I did the best I could while the where here taking them wherever I could think of that didn't cost an arm and a leg.

I am glad they are home and doing great. Tamara has contacted me on Facebook and kept me up to date as to what is going on in her life. She has some challenges coming up in the next few days. Hope it all comes out alright. She is definitely in my prayers. Sometimes we make mistakes that we regret for life. I am hoping this won't be one for her. It's hard being in this world. So many things are pulling you here and there, and if you don't have a good support system and good education you can fall victim to all kinds of trouble. Which was her case.

Super Soul Sunday was wonderful this morning. I look forward to Sundays just for that reason. I have Laurie hooked on to them too now. She went to her Buddhist meeting and then came home and watched it. I'm glad she is connecting to the Buddhist group here. They have been looking for new blood to make leaders and have someone else do things besides the same people. I understand that. So, Laurie is going to leadership meetings and things are coming together for her.

I know she wishes I'd go with her, but I have a big problem with chanting in another language I don't understand and have a hard time pronouncing let alone understanding. To chant to a piece of paper on the wall, all the rituals that go along with it all. It just doesn't ring true to me and makes me uncomfortable, so I no longer attend. Wish I could do it, and go along, but I've not been able to do that all my life. I've tried religions of all sorts and none of them complete what I need.

The only way I've found to be comfortable for me is 'Native' type worship. I don't believe on getting on your knees and praying with bowed head. I believe in holding your head high and opening your arms and speaking. Native way seems more authentic than anything I've tried. I pray outside because it's my temple. I don't need millions to maintain it's just natural. Church is just too uncomfortable for me. It's too conforming. Too much like sheep following sheep. I've struggled with religions all my life. I've decided to stop and not be part, but to do what feel natural to me. I don't mind visiting and learning what all people believe and how it works for them, but I get offended when they tell me my way is wrong and I must do it their way in order to find  GOD.

I feel my relationship with The Great Spirit is full circle. I now take the time to listen. The animals teach me, and I know I'm never alone. Even as a child when I was by myself so much, I knew I was not alone. I had animals to play with in the wild. Somewhere somehow I found an animal. They have been my friends since the beginning. Thus, the reason Pickles is so important to me. Sometimes animals understand when people cannot.

I'm really working on trying to accept everyone's belief system no matter how bizarre. If it works for them and doesn't cause harm, I don't see a problem with it. I want to learn. But when it comes to the Bible, I have  a big problem. Since so much of my life people have used it to be mean spirited and judgmental. I know there are many wonderful stories in the Bible. But I believe them to be stories. Stories meant to teach not literal and meant to be taken as such. But that is just my opinion.

What I do know is that I'm incredibly blessed and the more I know the more I feel comfortable in my skin. Those around me are the cream of the crop as far as I'm concerned and I'm so grateful for everything.

Being grateful for your life and everything in it, has been my saving grace. When I bought my grateful journal many years ago in San Francisco, I find that it changed the way I thought of my life. I would and still do write in it daily. It helps me realize all the wonderful things and people I have in my life. I may not have brand new this or that, but I have everything I have ever wanted pretty much.

I'd love to be able to travel more. If I'm patient I know it will happen. As Laurie get's more and more roots here, I got worried, but we talked about this, and it's ok for me to travel alone. I sometimes prefer it. Laurie and I have different ideas about travel. I like to boondock, and Laurie likes having all the amenities. So, it's good to get away from each other at times and just do what you want. No problem.

I would like to get Solar put on the roof. I thought about getting Devon to help with this should I be able to buy this any time soon. I want to be able to travel with the least amount of having to be connected. I'd love it. To save all that money. I like to cook solar and have many times while on the road.

The more Youtube video's I watch the more excited I get about doing this or that. Youtube is one of the most wonderful things on the net. People post just about everything you can think about. I've been using it to learn new balloon animals.

I've thought about just going on the road and just entertain in every town. I know I want to go to all the Senior homes like I did while on the road with the Circus. I really want to give back and devote my life from now on to others. To be in service to others is such a wonderful feeling and it's a gift that keeps on giving.

I've had people recently tell me the impact I had on their lives. I never knew. How wonderful. Now, I just want to do more.


Friday, November 30, 2012

Family dynamics

The family is gone now. Flew back to Louisiana yesterday from Santa Barbara. I was sad to see them go because I knew what they were going back too. Sad in many ways. I knew if they went back, that things for them would never be the same. There are so many opportunities here, and none there.

Tamara has a lot of challenges she faces when she returns. I wish I could help her and advise her, but she is young and has to learn things for herself. When she learns to take her power back, she'll be one hell of a woman. She already is, but with knowledge on her side she can't be stopped.

When you continue doing the same things you will continue to have the same results. She tells me of all the horrible things my daughter does to her, but yet she still continues to go back for more. I told her she deserves everything that Heidi does to her. Tamara knows how she is, so she has no excuse. I feel as long as Heidi has people to clean her house, give her vans to drive, and do everything for her, she will never grow.

I'm so sad for my daughter and her life. She could have such a lovely life with good friends, education and peace, but instead she chooses to be full of drama. Her Karma is playing out from what she did in to me and others here in Ca. I don't see a very good future for her if she continues the way she's been going.

I hope Tamara will see all this and not let her own life get out of control. Tamara has her own issues she needs to take care of herself. Bad decisions lead to bad results.

I've had so many of my questions answered with Tamara coming here. I'm at peace with everything and know all I needed to know. I made the right decision to NOT continue my relationship with my in-laws and my own daughter. Toxic relationships have kept me from moving forward. I now see there isn't anything I can do or say to change anything. I've done all I can do, and just going to let it go and enjoy my life.

As I told Tamara, I'm happier now than I've ever been in my life. Mainly, because I've had to walk away from people that have been in my life over 33 years now. Sure has made a HUGE difference in my attitude, and general quality of life. I didn't realize how negatively they effected my everything. Since 09 when I realized how they were only hanging around to watch me suffer not to help me in anyway, I knew something had to change.

I feel sad about all this of course, but again, it's a relief. Tamara coming here and confirming everything I thought anyway, makes it all come together and now I'm really able to let it go for the last time and make a new future with Laurie.

This also made me appreciate Laurie more than ever. She was a champ during all this. For someone that's never had children, she did great. She has helped raise a few, so that helped of course. She understood the dynamics that go along with all this. She stood by and supported me when needed. And there were a few challenging days that I needed that support. I'm so grateful for her. She is really the first partner in my life that has supported me unconditionally. Something I've looked for all my life. I am blessed.

What a lesson in life. I'm loving all of this really. Coming full circle and being able to put things to rest is huge for me. I've been wanting this for a very long time and it's finally here. I feel wonderful. I'm finally at the kind of peace I've been looking for all my life. I had a certain amount of peace for the last two years, but this is even better now.

I've been seeing people as they really are, and not for who I thought or wanted them to be, and I'm ok with it now, because none of them are involved in my life anymore. I wish my daughter well but I have no plans to ever see her again. I never thought I'd really be alright with that, but it's a huge weight off my shoulders to be able to walk away without regret. I've done and said all I can in order to be able to have a relationship with her and family.

It's strange, I no longer feel the need to be in any of my Grandchildren s lives. I love them dearly, but I don't feel the need to be involved on a daily basis. If they write or call fine,but if they don't I'm not going to crumble or even think much. There is so much drama involved with them and their situations, I don't want to get involved in all that. I just stepped out of all that years ago, and don't welcome it in my life anymore.

Laurie and I have managed to build a wonderful life together. We still plan on going on the road someday soon I hope. One way or another, I'll be traveling in the near future. We have all kinds of things going on right now that we are working on. Our future is what is most important to me now. Laurie, Pickles and myself, that is my FAMILY, and they are number one with me at this time in my life. We both have great friends collectively and individually, so our lives are full of love, and acceptance. Life is good!

Wow, I had no idea life could really be this wonderful.

When all this rain is over with, I'm going to start working on the RV and getting it in better shape. I have all new 6 tires, and I've been painting the inside slowly, but when the weather gets better I plan on doing a lot more work. Devon said he'd help me, and I'm excited about that. He seems to be a great guy, I just hope Tamara realizes it before it's too late. But I think it may be. Time will tell.

I know now, I want to work harder on my relationship with Laurie and try to make our lives the best possible because we both deserve it. We may not have much material wise, but we have so much when it comes to our lives. We have a place of our own, friends, travel, and everything we could ever need. We may not have the best of everything, but everything we have we've worked hard to get. It's ours paid for. We didn't inherit anything, it wasn't given to us, we earned it. For that I'm very proud.

Speaking of, can't wait to paint not only the RV but the mobile home and they will look better and smell fresh. Love the smell of something freshly painted. Everyday, we find ways to improve what we have. It's a wonderful challenge actually.

I hope my daughter and Tamara gain the wisdom needed to maneuver through life. I just told Tamara to be honest as best she can, and treat everyone like you wish to be treated. All I can do is be an example and let it go.

Laurie said I did a great job while they were here. Being a Grandparent, you sometimes have to walk on eggshells in order to see your grandchildren. I've walked that eggshell laid floor long enough, and I'm done. If I see them again, good, if I don't it won't destroy me. I've seen all of them, enjoyed each and everyone of my Grandbabies, and I'm happy to go forward with the pictures I have and not worry about the rest.

I feel such a weight off my shoulders I can't begin to tell you. I feel like a kid out of my parents house for the first time and want to just have fun. And I plan on it. Not that I didn't have fun before, but this is a little different. I'm FREE!!! This is the most totally free I've ever felt in my life. When you live an authentic life and don't have to cover up for anything, lie, cheat, nothing, it's a very free and powerful life. I feel like  I can do anything. Not that I didn't before, but now for some reason it just feels so RIGHT.

I may not have a new car, or home, but I have what others only wish they had. Good friends, good home, no debit, and peace of mine. I have a partner that loves me unconditionally and supports my ever effort who needs anything else. Grandkids, and other such things are a bonus. I'm so blessed.

I'm not thinking of what I don't have, I'm thinking of what I DO have.

I look forward to the future now that I'm made peace with the past. Life is good, thank you Great Spirit for all my blessings.


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Our first Gala Pool party

We had a blast! I even managed to be able to swim a few minutes in-between BBQing and everything else going on.

Dory and I took Scotty Dean and Pickles to the dog park so they could run out all their energy to be able to sit in the car while we have this party. No dogs allowed darn it. They had such a good time. Dory and I had a few moments to talk, so it was nice. We talk about some of the people that are no longer in our lives, and those far away.

I cherish my friendships with people more so now than ever before. I've been losing so many friends to death, moving, health you name it. Many I have had to eliminate due to unhealthy lifestyles. Friends are so important. They should be cherished and nurtured.

I didn't really connect to anyone at the party really. Adaire and her wife were very sweet and I did like them very much. But the others seem to have a click going on, and that's all good. I really only want to add only perhaps one more to my circle. I don't want to get too many in there, then it's hard to keep up with everyone.

Laurie had some of her art on the table as did I. I think I'm going to sell some of my art and things that I've bought to the neighbor. He came over and picked out the ones he wants. Nice. I've also sold a few things on Ebay. Also a bonus. I've got to really get going with that. I need to make money while on the road. If others can do it I should be able to do it also. Laurie is putting her art on her website and hope someone buys some for Christmas. That would be sweet.

I've been looking at all kinds of things to improve the RV before getting on the road. I want to pull up the carpet, and put in a wood floor. I would like to have it outfitted with solar, so I can stay out in the desert and cook as well as watch TV or anything else I decide. I'm learning.

I've been watching Youtube video's on how to do so many things concerning the RV. As well as how to make new balloon animals. Great place to watch. Now I don't have to buy the expensive video's. Nice. I've been practicing and think that will be the major money maker while on the road. It's something that can be done on the streets, festivals, and someone can hire me as well. Nice. I love clowning but much of it is going down in the history books because kids aren't brought up with clowns anymore, so they are afraid of them. I'm going less make-up and more colorful outfits and hats.

I'm really trying to downsize. Taking less this time on the road than ever before. I have to figure out how many beads I want to take etc. I want to make things on the road to sell. There are festivals and usually farmers markets in most towns. The less I have the better I feel and the more free.

With Precious Earth Art that I make and have a Facebook page with pictures, it's nice to have the cards. It makes it look more professional. I have plastic bins that I can put the stuff I make into, and then I can take out and place in my booth. I will have to get tables and some things to display my things. I know I will either need an e-z up or I can use the umbrella's I have right now on the cheap.

I am so looking forward to the Spring to be able to get on the road, and see everything bloom. Spring is my favorite time of year. I've been looking to go to The Great Northwest. I love it there. The people are so artzy fartzy. To me it's Gods Country. I used to own 20 acres there a few years ago, but I sold it. Miss it very much. Still look at pictures of it now and then.

Gonna get going to make some art tonight before having to go get Devon. Tamara and the kids are coming for the ride. I will miss them when they leave.


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

LIfe is only getting better for this middle aged gal!

Love my life

It's taken me a very long time to really like my life and realize I was in the drivers seat. Now that I've gotten that lesson, onward and upward I go. 

I have my partner in life, a place that belongs to us, friends and neighbors that are blessings, and we have love. Wow, this is what life is about. Of course, I'd rather be on the road in the RV but, for now this is good. Laurie is more of a stay at home and nest kind of gal, and I'm more get out there and explore. But for now, this is where I am supposed to be, doing what I'm suppose to do.

Funny when you find your purpose how different you feel. How fulfilled and how it all just feels right. I'm in the right spot, right kind of thinking, and just getting life in general. Wow, how off track I was at one time. We won't get into that, because I believe we all get off track one time or another in their lives. We just have to learn from the lesson, forgive and move forward with a new attitude and your new found lessons.

I used to think it's the stuff in your life that made you successful. I  now know it has nothing to do with what you own. I know for a fact someone that was in my life over 30 years ago, that has all kinds of THINGS, but has no substance in her life. No companion, no real friends, but lots of stuff. I'm sad for her, because she feels the need to pick on me. But I get it. I forgive her and pray for her and that she will understand it's the way she acts that turn people off. She's never done any work on herself. That is a must. I am still hoping my daughter will soon start her work.

I know coming to this point in my life wasn't easy because I'm very stubborn. I dig my heals in and no one or nothing is going to move me. I've softened this thought wave. I now listen, I have an open heart. 

Having an Open Heart

My friend Dory told me years ago, when your heart opens wide, you can never ever shut it. She was so right. Since having my heart opened up in 09, I've never thought of the world in the same way. 

I had to take responsibility for my action, fix what I could, and forgive myself for all I've done up until that moment. It's the best thing I ever did for myself. I thank the Great Spirit for all my gifts. I deserve every one of them, and I've earned them as well.

I think you must at times earn your blessings. I know that sounds silly. But you have to be in a certain place in your life in order to get the lessons life is trying to teach you. And they will present themselves to you. And will continue to do so until you GET IT

I really believe that we do come here knowing our purpose. One we choose before even getting here. Everything I've gone through has made me a better person one way or another. I'm excited when I think about the future. I never thought that way before. I know I will have an enormous impact on my Grand children while they are here.

I think this is a fantastic gift. Having my Grandchildren come here and see how I live. There are so many rumors and lies that are still being spread about me and my life in Louisiana, I am hoping that this will show them the truth. But ya know, it's only really effecting the people spreading the lies. This just gives me a chance to show them different. 

Curses to those that keep their Grandchildren from their families. I've seen this so much in my life. Where the kids are pissed at their parents for whatever reason and keep the grandkids away from the grandparents. There is a special hell for those kind of people. I know my daughter is living her hell. I'm sad for her, and her kids because they are missing out on ONE FANTASTIC GRANDMA! But I know my time will come with them as well. Everything she has done to me will be done to her, so I expect the kids to be reaching out to me before too long.

I'm so blessed to be able to get to know Cory's kids.  Emily the second oldest wants to learn to be a clown. I'm thrilled to say the least. Heidi's daughter Harley wanted to be a clown too. She even painted her face with Heidi's lipstick and pretended to be me. I love it. Heidi shared this with me before she decided I was the devil. 

These kids are so special. But every Grandma thinks that. I just know to be able to have 4 generations of clowns in our side of the family is so special. My Mother would be so proud. She is! She is with me daily and guides me now because I listen. I didn't listen before. Wish I had.  Children have an innocents that even parents can't take away for at least a little while. Be careful what you say around your kids, they hear it all. Even if they don't know what it all means at the time they retain it and carry it for their lifetimes. I wish I'd been a better parent, Mother, daughter, wife, partner, and friend. But I have today and hopefully tomorrow to improve and be the best person I can be now. 

That is why I love every day. It's my way of being able to start again. Be the new and improved me.

Thank you to all my living and dead friends and relatives for helping me in my journey. Thank you for your continued love and guidance  

I'm beyond blessed.